heat and turn it into power, also you know how the brick turns red when it heats up, if you paint brick the colour brick (the same colour) it wont go red when it heats up
one more thing that is optional if u want to add is using the exscess heat from the coal overflow to create eletricity for housing, so im basically saying have a little boiler or 2 to harness the unused
hey got one more slight improvement for you, make the words for the buttons out of metel and connect it the the switch so you can spart the word aswell AND you got my vote^
Nice want to join the resident evil fan club
ok, I will make that change, thanks for the feed back
FP eaisly this is awesome, the only thing i could recomend is, making the buttons a little bigger, if u want to make another one i will help.
YES! love it +1. Crazy pipes are cool too :D