3 / 0
2nd Aug 2012
14th Feb 2014
Fires the beam of multiple standard PCLN lasers into a reflecter aray, orienting them all towards the firing tube. The normal, high-heating, and cooling barrels are interchangeable. Thank you SandwichLizard for the high-heat barrel suggestion.
photon plasma electronic reflection melting boiling sublimating cdawgtv2


  • cdawgtv2
    14th Feb 2014
    Nevermind, you are correct. If the plasma is used with the vacuum, it greatly improves heating effectiveness.
  • cdawgtv2
    14th Feb 2014
    Thank you for the suggestion, but plasma loses its heat too quickly in the chamber, so the laser cools down quickly after firing.
  • Sandwichlizard
    7th Feb 2014
    I like the multi laser/reflector concept. It kind of resembles a solid state laser cavity if the reflectors were a crystal. good job but clone plasma instead of wall and change the DMND into 2 pixel thick VACU and you will easily gain 2000 degrees. also you need a target. try this id:1453486. oh +1
  • area51
    18th May 2013
    nice take on an old concept!