19th Jul 2012
16th Feb 2016
Simple mod detector, the check changes to an x if not using my mod. Free to copy, use it in your saves if you want. ---------- Version 31.2 out! More rewrites and new interface code, also you can finally edit your profile from my mod now.
oops...didn't update it. :>
cyberdragin442: what about it? I'm typing this with it now.
my mod has many features tpt doesn't have, including custom hud's, a favorites element menu (put what you want there), moving solids (very glitch, but fun to play with), and many other options. There is a link inside to download it.
your mod doesn't work anymore.
Because, i'm a moderator. I can delete/unpblish saves, ban people, and do other moderation stuff.
why is your name in blue?
https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=11117: my mod is here. It has lots of features like bouncy balls, a favorites menu, customizable HUD, and lots of other things. It's not tpt++, but has many of it's features anyway like longer comments, comment scrolling, and others.
ok, but I find a rainbow gradient and 2 X's to look good already, and I copied the design from a button in the earliest versions of tpt. Also, what's confusing? maybe saving saves in it is, and the entire Fav2 menu. When redoing it in tpt++, I might think of better ways to do things. Something that's optional isn't too confusing, although the new menus are the main point of downloading my mod... either that or a tpt++ replacement
ur mod is confusing. i like normal. but it shows a lot of hard work. very nice job. you should also change the image for the all delete thing in the walls tab to be more attractive.
Right here: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=11117. I'm working on tpt++ (tpt rewritten in c++) right now, so it's not being updated, but it has all the latest tpt (not tpt++) stuff. I will make a new mod with tpt++ soon with everything this has.