19th Jul 2012
16th Feb 2016
Simple mod detector, the check changes to an x if not using my mod. Free to copy, use it in your saves if you want. ---------- Version 31.2 out! More rewrites and new interface code, also you can finally edit your profile from my mod now.
ok thanks will it run in dec-c++?
i'm not sure what you mean, it just uses c++. And I guess SDL too, but that's not part of the code I ever really look at to do things. The source code is on github, there's a link on the tpt main page.
lol ok how exactly is tpt made in c++? and how would i aquire the source code
no idea ... maybe?
do you think allegro is a good c++ library for a beginner to make games in?
okk so i did the blue thing
yes, maybe you could do that. The simulation api to make pressure isn't documented at all though ... And the random blue shade thing sounds cool.
and maybe if i get really good i could link it to the game and make different pressure effect where they go
ohh i have another idea how about i make them a random shade of blue and as they rotate they become darker or lighter
for some reason the luacode.txt thing gets an error so i'll just message you it again