Im sorry I am going to update my saves as soon as possiple but before I do that may I ask what I am taking? Is it the eagle? The eagle is logo yes and may I use it? Sorry for not asking I was new at powder toy at that time. If you want me to remove it I could for the copy rights but its what ever for you man
it doesnt matter, if youre really really really really to lazy (i would be ;D) then only leave it here
yea ok ill leave credites do you want me to leave the crediter on only thispage or all?
i thought about that you havent been to powdertoy for a long time, you can leave it in your saves, i just wanted any reaction, but please give a credit (and if its only on this page)
OH and i wasent on powdertoy tht time also =3 so yeaa
cuzzz im lazy go ahed and report me i usaly say it some1s work you know i doo it and i will help and say its yours i just didnt know whos work it was and YEA IT IS YOURS not being mean
if i don't get any answer, i#ve to report thoose savings with my work in it. if you want to have a save, just ask for it, asking is free! see it as last warning!
Why do you doesn't say that my creation is copied, or ask if you may have it as logo?!?!?