Some people used compressed ACEL to make photons move fast. This is a much less laggy alternative (although the timing of force from FRAY currently depends on particle order - if that gets fixed, the DLAY temperatures will need adjusting slightly)
I love how at these speeds it doesn't check if it refracts through glass or anything
The new version allows for changing life of ACEL for faster acceleration.
photons and things can go through one layer for some reason
nvm i just needed to put two layers
odd how photons when accelrated simply skip ahead unlike in real life where something that appears to be in two places at once such as a spring is really in one and collides with whatever is in the way then agian photons and strings arent the same thing
help make tpt
yeah how?
how do you become a moderator?
Wow kevin. -_-
kevinchau3: because I am a moderator