25th May 2012
2nd Oct 2012
The phenomenom is discovered by mr. salitos, i just explain how it is done. Btw weird behavior might be used in destructive weapons, but it then will most likely be removed in a update. BTW read the text in metal.
plss help
Can you help Me Whenever I do it It goes to edge of screen?
my pleasure :D
whoa!!! this actually worked and didnt crash! thank you so much! +1
it works better when using console instead of PROP, just !set ctype soap stkm
im confuseuhen i do the stkm to ctype thing it disupers and i haveto get back in to powdertoy
jghall, i have no idea, maybe it has to do with the temprature or pressyre, atleast it ALWAYS crashes when i use PROP. PTuniverse, aren't you thirdy?
nyvrem can you plz help me?
Hey, Aren't you that guy from Kongregate? Are you?