The team at F15-Pilot designs is back out with the "Legacy" M16A4 featuring some of the most advanced decor layer and firing mech techniques yet applied to any previous weapon. As usual, copying will be dealt with severly and just have fun!
Hey there! Im back!
f15 lol i dont know why you never answered my messages...but i just made a new gun club, hope you find your way over to it. Its The gun club or TGC
Why would I make a three round burst weapon fire semi only? Just a question.
awsome but make it shoot only 1 shot at a time
Thank you.
dang bro this is nice +1
Hmm I'll try things out on my end but let me know what you come up with.
that and the bolt action makes things more simple.i think it could work for the three round burst.
okay,it seems the mech in my SV98 is the safest apears having the extra button for releasing the mag,and putting a new mag in clears all shots fired and makes it restart.