This is just a simple animation that can be achieved using a ROM. I will add more stuff to it later on. Have a go at programming it yourself, be wary it does take a while.
if thats simple, i d hate the complex version but, GENIUS!
Only works on fast computers.... I can get an average of 200fps on a half full screen and 512 on an empty screen. Try it youself....
It might be a bit slow but if u have a good computer use this command in the console to speed it up: tpt.setfpscap(100) It basically raises the fps cap
lol i was capable of making it spell out my name using the rom. i'm actually suprised!
I was planning on doing something like this, but my laziness delayed me xP
Fastest ROM ever...
@tycan set a goal! try to make 5 seconds of an episode of your favorite tv show!
you can improve the turn off function, but really good idea
I just got an idea... Tetris on Powder Toy! even though I am not good enough at electronics to make that :(
huuuuuu cool 1+