This is probably a glitch. somehow this creation I made is creating pressure? is this supposed to happen?
metal still creates pressure by sparking it. Creators sometimes put air walls so the electronics dont pressurize themselves
My point wasn't showing 2 yr olds physics. My point was to point out how simple thing here is falsely accused as a glitch and i explained it as simply as i can. I'm actually glad that it sounded that simple to you lol
dude, good bit, i like ur taste in music excision. bad bit, that is like primary school physics. learn something other than year 2 tests.
This isn't a glitch in any way. Learn your physics. Electricity through metal > heat > air heats > air extends > pressure, especially in small spaces like this. Have you seen a balloon when atmospheric air is cold? How about an empty bottle? In cold their air inside shrinks a bit and makes the balloon loose and the bottle gets in a little suction. Now this is what happens when air heats.
good point and also, how else would my very good nuclear reactor work? XD
why would the spark NOT make the heat? how else would they make things like blow-dryers?
Well, heat generates pressure in real life, so I don't see why it shouldn't in this ultra-accurate sim. Also, in case you're too stupid to realize, The SPRK is making the heat. AS USUAL
after pressing CTRL+B, maybe..
Looks the BEST in nothing display (8)
First of all, It looks cool ;) well done. And yeah, a spark on metal etc. gives a little pressure (around 0.3) so i guess alot close together give some more pressure ;)