13th Apr 2012
13th Apr 2012
No walls used, works forever.
This idea is generic and can be used by anyone if made in a different format. Also encouraging to down vote on this save has contributed to the decision as it is against the rule to do so.
Also, this is fusion, and then the neut and elec created are combining to form more hydrogen
This will be fixed if/when oxygen fusion is added, it doesn't work in my mod right now. Also, ignore that comment below, he's just advertising his own save that also has infinite fusion.
awesome! :D
Wow! I've modified the design slightly starting over, with larger pumps and setting the central one negative. It creates interesting patterns and permanent fusion.
Fusion Fission +1
Wow, awesome~~ :D +1
its both actually, it goes H2->NBLE->CO2->SING->H2->... and the part where SING bursts into hydrogen (ELEC and NEUT actually) is fission.
cool i like it ;)
Fission=Seperating Fusion=joining so its fission inst it?