20th Mar 2012
22nd Mar 2012
Credits to whalezor for the nicely made city. And credits to Catelite for the ammonution. Instructions can be found inside the simulation. Enjoy :D
ammo: use PROP tool on LAVA. 1.: Set ctype to SING. 2.: Set tmp to 255 3.: ignite by cooling it off.
Very cool
commands are epix
so, you harnessed the power great enough to cause the big bang to create a huge effing cannon? nice +1
i thought if molten sing touches dmnd it explodes? and i figuered out how to make molten sing exlode
awesome 1+
I made somthing that isn't dimond that can withstand 5 shots from that! :D
how do you get molten sing
how do u make molten sing explode when it touches something??
this lets me think of mass effect 3 nice