I tried my hardest to do my best flash-camoflauge coloring for the volcano, so enjoy! I tried to make it as realistic as possible, except for the beginning of the explosion, which is a bit harder to replicate. I tried not to put any walls in this volcano
@Kikincij ..... Volcanos can destroy themselfs, either part of themselves or the whole thing... Just look at mount saint helens! It has a chunk missing!
Plus, even if you have proof that this may not be realistic, it still looks amazing.
Kind of destroys itself after several minuets.
Best volcano on TPT... That i've seen... I love how the volcano obliteratates itself, a mention of realisim to that, because some volcanoes completely destroy themselves! +1
+1 :o :O :O
This has to be onen of the most realistic volcanos ever!!:D
it used to be awesome now its just a burning puddle/pan
it like exploded EVERYWHERE. so cool
it is awesome
but not bad either