4 / 0
24th Feb 2012
11th Sep 2013
Please give me feedback and ideas to improve my save. Also, be sure to test your bomb on this. Not counting BOMN, DEST, antimatter and the like, this bunker is fairly resilient. BTW, I wasn't bored when I made this ;P
bunker ted234521 ted nuke reactor nuclear compound bomb


  • mmandrew
    28th Mar 2014
    cool +1
  • scorpio29
    11th Sep 2013
    maybe you could stop that by putting the wall that only allows gasses on top of the shaft so it acts like a sort of grate
  • ted234521
    1st Apr 2012
    LOL yup. I know I should fix that... but then where would the smoke go? (Not that it needs to go anywhere...) For the sake of realism, I'm gonna keep it that way. THX for the feedback though!
  • Fen
    27th Mar 2012
    So... Drop a grenade down the vent shaft... Wait... BOOM, everyone inside is screwed. Other than that, nice :D