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After some reaserch and experimenting with ARAY I managed to create an Aray copier which can copy one line every what I think was about 8 or 10 frames (Cracker64's is 10 frames). It is quite small but uses really small technology and is very reliable. I will post it as soon as I can :D
Totally worthy of frontpage. If it was possible, I would give this +100 votes. Good job.(It is real slow, tho)
i cannot understad how this can translate a image to the other side, a really nice job man, you win my approvation, if someone knows how it works, explain me, thanks
Bah i didn't think about that.
cloudz he might have meant the save is about the photo copy machine so he wrote copier might mean copy machine
@Joeboy25 have respect and learn to spell please. he just copied the concept but not the work so shut up.
very good job
It da copier
but later it would only work for awhile
erase those large triangles to go faster