wake up. the illuminati is on the dollar. 13 bricks on the pyramid. the 13 pillars of man. the eagle had 32 feathers on each wing. on the dollar, it has 33. the 33 levels of the illuminati. i know my shit. lookup dollar conspiracy for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But yes, you spelled it wrong
I studied Illuminati for atleast 2 years now
I already know this LOL
Oh, and "Annuit Coeptis" (you spelled it wrong) = "He/She/It approves of the undertakings"
Novus ordo seclorum = New Order of the Ages
and yo, "novus ordo seclorum" is wrongly translated buddy, did you just get it off a random website or somethis? look it up in the latin dictionary... you dont know your shit, almost everything you said on this page are things that are NOT true;p and these other comments are totally right too...
this is not true
i do support the illuminati theories but posting it on tpt is not an active and serious engation i'm sorry..