If you see something not working or you just dislike something Tell me and I'll see if can fix it I will not hold anything anenst you because of your opinion.
I dont think i'll get to your gun for a whyle D; sry m8.
nice on what? XD I'm just testing stuff atm :P none of this is gonna make it into a save lol.
Nice bro!...
yes upgrade the mech on the future gun.
I did my best on the mag of the AK :P
@xOreoz, do you want me to do a full mech up-grade on your red gun? i think it needs it. The mech on it is way past it's days.
gaaahhh. this stupid gun isn't working all the time x.-
No prob @HDZ :P
@bonbonthenoob, oh lol i havn't touched that sence i made the save XD. I'll fix it next time i post :P
@thespazz ty for logo heh :D