Don't mess with this guy! (one major way to "mess" with him is to unpause)
You need to take out the pokemon tag its not related to pokemon. if it is please tell me because i cant see
Press "F" once and he farts... lol! Btw nice save...
press the "f" key!
Ok.....Thanks and @Aleszander i will make The Advanced Saves Corp Logo Better
+1 cool
Ok Doing it Since i Made More then 500 saves in my life
oh yeah. just to get there: hop online, log in, click on groups and quick jump to page thirty four. it will be there. Waiting...
Hey Tropicthunder; now that I voted on you're save, would you care to join my group I created last month? It's designed for advanced TPT users and I had no regristration notices since then :(. So. Join?