Please Order for a Fake Sign Today by commenting what words to put in the sign! Extended Signs Will be Realeased to people to order soon Please have a nice day and the TNT is the Example Fake Sign But The Word Example is a Real Sign
Well hope this get's more orders and votes i only started my fake sign courier yesterday
i'm Back!
make one that says yes caboose,i'm a gay robot
Oh and this save can help with capacity of real signs example like you have 16 signs and you want more ask here for a fake sign!
Another order please!
Done and i mean Going Out to Lunch
Ok But i'm going out to lucnch but i'll make yours
Nan you make me one that says "Congradulations, you lose"?
Don't wanna tell ya i'll make a tutorial soon when i want to but good question i wanted to know too but i found one on these frontpafe saves...
hey man how do you type on this thing? i cant seem to figure it out...