Please Order for a Fake Sign Today by commenting what words to put in the sign! Extended Signs Will be Realeased to people to order soon Please have a nice day and the TNT is the Example Fake Sign But The Word Example is a Real Sign
Haha I get the Portal 2 reference!
please make it grey! thanks
Please Make: 'You Are The Lucky Winnier Of An IPhone 5 - Click Here To Claim Your Prize!'
thanks its great
plz make one saying: 'you have 0 new messages get a life'
Thanks! I love the sign. I figured out how to make them!
i only meaned, that you should can use it so. just ad a little wifi thing in the logo
mmmm but i making another logo maker
all right u don't need to quit. I thought fake sighns weren't allowed. I LIKE YOUR LOGO!