Please Order for a Fake Sign Today by commenting what words to put in the sign! Extended Signs Will be Realeased to people to order soon Please have a nice day and the TNT is the Example Fake Sign But The Word Example is a Real Sign
That's It! i might quit this game FOREVER! Because no one is listning i said yellow words avalible and people like Joba orders bombs?? ARGHH can somemone do it right?
what do you mean?
i'll put the whole thing in a save
Just The sign you do the wifi ok?
could you make the standart "a new version..." sign out of metl, connectet via wifi with a bomb?
What do you mean? a Lcry one?
well done for front page!!! can i have one! an off switch saying the big pixel club switch off
{continued} it's your choice if you want me to stay or go
Hey guy i'm in bad mood Right now i might leave TPT if my mood dosen't get better to make me NOT leave TPT please Order and Keep this on frontpage or i might leave TPT for those who know me