this thing is pretty cool
Ahh, I was just having fun. It gave me a real laugh though. I have too much time on my hands. I only wasted about 15 mins. Now tell me, what am I supposed to do, end poverty in 15 mins or spell F word
kool mabe you can make on that pre-programs letters to make frases so you can create sentences and @tothemyersim sorry to tell you this but you have wasted precios time of your one very valeble life..o_0
alphaskater09: Define life, would you? Clearly, if he didn't have a life, this save wouldn't exist. It appears as though you envy the creator's excellence of saves, so you attack to cover up your failures.
hahaha!!! >alphaskater09<
somebody here dosent have a life.......
Is it wrong that I spent some time spelling swear words with this?
Oh you mean the text moves like a conveyor belt. XD sorry, i thought you meant the emitter rotated.