A logo maker, i can make anything bar people and video game characters, some animals and minecraft things
i cant join online if it is a group online but sure + mrfishie, i have a fun idea for you and circovik ill start yours now
sweet logos dude, could you please do a logo for The Texturers club? maybe put a sweet texture design or something underneath? if you can do that, then I ask you. wanna join the club? be co-leader?
nice! can u make me a logo? i dont mind how good it is, and i dont mind how it looks. JUST MAKE IT AWESOME.
do yours late circo
will do, just finishing cosmos112's
Can I have one with lots of detail? Can it say circovik and the under in small writing, Explosives Expert
wohwohwohwoh!!!! wow! thats alot since i left, wow i better get going!!! =)
how ling is mine going 2 b
can u make me a logo that is VERY ELECTRONIC (as much as you can) that says cosmos 112
can you make me one with a head in crosshairs and under it it says MLG in big bold letters