get over it this car is not great as yours ok i just wanted to make a car dont get made
the truth i made this when i saw u making that brown car
(in the previous comment, i did not mean to imply that im a prominent user in tpt. Im not that stuck up)
THAT NOTION IS RIDICULOUS!!! the volunteers on the pixel club cars are among the most prominent users on tpt...we know enough not to steal things!
WHAT!!!!! YOU accuse US from strealing from YOU!!!!! That is propostourus...we had 3 cars going before u made this one!!
sry but i dint see ur car tell befor a sec and i think u may stol mine
emmien and Eminem4king both want u to give credit.They are owners of the pixel club, possibly the most respected group in tpt. Johno, cp, recurvearcher, arin24742747, and ialso want u to give credit
we know u did not directly steal.....but the red glow is sooooo simmilar to ours that we want you to change it =( not trying to pick a fight or anything.....