a tutorial to learn how to make a good tree :D hope it helps you a little bit
check my tree: id:1520419
~ !set ctype pbcn bomb and then put pscn on a tree and spark it!
how do i eat it and set it on fire
im so sorry but its crap
thanks everybody for help :D
Thanks for your help :)
zeffron no matter what you think...people are seeing u as a TROLL! stop hating on everybodies saves! (i admit im a little dissapointed with these trees,but im not hating wholehartedly on them like u!!)
loscapebroswe is a **** and now mookey is a **** too
@zeffron/Robbydobby: I don't think you can make anything better ;D. Also it's frontpage by your comments/views so you just WRONGED YOURSELF... Haha :P...
don't be a hater zeffron