feel free to use, but give credit. no pipe, because it causes the coal to combust no matter what I do. lame, but whatever.
dont use clne and void but try using prti and prto
The robot hasn't even noticed his cart full of burning broken coal...
Or simply portals.
Also, try using FAN in a TTAN pipe (not PIPE) to move the coal instead of PIPE.
You should make it so that the bucket of coal starts empty and the mined coal actually goes into the bucket. Then you should use detector to make the miner cease mining when the bucket is full.
its cool, i set the electric circuit on fire and it mined super fast! :DDD
lol from adventure time MARVEN or what ever GREETINGS CREATOR i have made myself into a mine:HAHAHA HAAH HA HA
Cool miner!
Can I use (w/ credit) the mechanism on the back, please?
thanx for making the knight ur awesome