The Vehicles part of my front page stickman soldiers! If you want a vehicle of an army making, just comment! When you ask be sure to say what you want inftead of just the country as its hard to make without the details, thanks.
plz can i have the colour codes for the army flag uk army flag
can you please make it move
make guns with them and tanks :)
Can i use them?
can you make a american ww2 willys jeep please?
I can't even draw a horse with a pencil so I am sorry but I only make soldiers, guns and vehicles, so If it is not one of the three than I can not really do it, sorry :/
Can u make me a horse?
Nah, just small land vehicles. I am not really an expert on tanks so I tend to stay away from them.
Do u not do tanks?
awesome lol