103 / 12
4th Sep 2011
27th Sep 2011
A simple V-Twin OIL powered engine. :)
smokenotfire neat donttag comment brotherhood engine


  • cctvdude99
    9th Sep 2011
    BTW, the engine was originally designed so the engine turns off when out of fuel, so feel free to turn off unlimited fuel.
  • cctvdude99
    9th Sep 2011
    Improved fuel efficiency, stopped fuel from igniting outside the cylinder. ds84182: It will not burn fuel constantly, as that would be unrealistic and not really an engine.
  • cctvdude99
    9th Sep 2011
    shikari_rock: Thanks. :D Amtasticalcourt: I was thinking of doing that, but then the max pressure I can use in the fuel input is 6. For now I'll just reduce the amount of fuel that's input into each firing.
  • ds84182
    9th Sep 2011
    try making it so that it dosent use oil in puffs
  • Amtasticalcourt
    8th Sep 2011
    or maybe another thing you could do is have the oil be vaporized into gas before the engine intakes for the next stroke, that should dramatically increase fuel efficiency.
  • shikari_rock
    8th Sep 2011
    suh-weet! :D
  • cctvdude99
    8th Sep 2011
    kapiq77123, thanks. :D Fast-Driver: Woot.
  • Fast-Driver
    8th Sep 2011
    Yeah! Front page cctv! Waaaay to gooo man!
  • kapiq77123
    8th Sep 2011
    You ! its veeeeery nice save! im voted up becuz this is very realistic! i like your saves! im voted up all your saves!
  • cctvdude99
    8th Sep 2011
    Amtasticalcourt: I'm working on it. With the accelerator, as it runs now will use less fuel, and on higher levels of power, it'll run quicker and intake slightly more fuel. :)