6 / 1
4th Sep 2011
10th Sep 2011
i made this as my logo, if anyone wants a aircraft logo ask on my logo page


  • TheLiberator
    4th Sep 2011
    im just glad more people liked this, i though i had lost the touch or somethin
  • Lynxrufus
    4th Sep 2011
    yep, thats the way to go. when i got banned i had only played for less than a week! ;P i was $h*ting bricks when i saw that i was banned! haha
  • TheLiberator
    4th Sep 2011
    im just tryin to lay low for now, if i start making a lotta noise, its probly really gonna start hitting the fan for me
  • Lynxrufus
    4th Sep 2011
    ok gotcha ;P it'l all work out l8ter, so just sit back and chill for now, maybe send out some very strongly written letters to those who you think are in charge, and wait for a response :)
  • TheLiberator
    4th Sep 2011
    it wasnt for no reason, im not claiming that, i just dont think it was a very good reason.
  • Lynxrufus
    4th Sep 2011
    So you got banned for no reason? thats really lame -_- they did that to me too... it took forever to get my account back thank god for not having a lot of good stuff on my other account though lol
  • TheLiberator
    4th Sep 2011
    thanx man, that means alot to me 2day
  • samfiller
    4th Sep 2011
    Dude I love your stuff I don't care what logo or name you are useing.
  • TheLiberator
    4th Sep 2011
    y did someone downvote? i swear this day has gone from bad to worse D:
  • TheLiberator
    4th Sep 2011
    not to many people like my stuff without the shroom name on it :/