This is a working model of the pegasus galaxy stargate from SGA/Stargate Atlantis, but this will only dial 7 chevrons because it isn't electrically possible to do it in Stargate without and Icarus planet so I limited it to 7, Enjoy ~ Somerandom216
A little question (I hope you will read this) : Can I use this (with some epic applications)? It's already built, I just need your permission.
Believe it or not, this (ID:1549863) is this Stargate xD
How can there be the Earth marked as point of origin, when it's a Pegasus Gate?
@jiribekr It isn't pixelart... +1 for ... I mean, it's STARGATE ... and ... ATLANTIS so I HAVE to upvote :D
wow really nice pixelart
part of the brotherhood? neet! so m i. +1
Yes, partial, believe it or not this is mostly mine
Try wiring them togethem and tellin gthem to place battery. It works. Not an elegant solution but it works!