492 / 49
24th Aug 2011
4th Aug 2012
Bombs that you can set off as many times as you want for even more destruction. They are also almost indestructable.
bombs secret destructive sick reuseable bomb jacob1 indestructible 477820 reusable


  • MrHobo123
    18th Nov 2012
    Cool but how do you make them reusable with a clone?
  • jacob1
    14th Nov 2012
    It really depends on where you spark it. That's something I might look at if I make more of these (fusion, DMG (which I already made), CAUS, etc.) If you spark it in the loop that turns it off that might happen, but if you spark it in the middle, I don't think it does.
  • dom2mom
    14th Nov 2012
    *glitch* If you hold down the pcln in the longer time bombs, then they won't turn off even way after you let go. In other words, they don't turn off.
  • jacob1
    22nd Oct 2012
    someday. Maybe tomorrow, or sometime later this week.
  • lorddeath
    22nd Oct 2012
    WHen's the DMG version out?
  • jtheking999
    12th Oct 2012
    i love this however its pretty cool if you add a bttry in each one and !set type pcln clne
  • BRI0004
    26th Sep 2012
    This is great
  • jacob1
    16th Sep 2012
    yes, copy anything in this save, as long as you give credit, and it's not just a complete resave/copy.
  • Paul_31415
    16th Sep 2012
    Is it okay if i make more ones that use gpmp instead?
  • jacob1
    14th Sep 2012
    Sure, just give credit to me somehow (I don't care if it's in the description, a sign, or a comment)