492 / 49
24th Aug 2011
4th Aug 2012
Bombs that you can set off as many times as you want for even more destruction. They are also almost indestructable.
bombs secret destructive sick reuseable bomb jacob1 indestructible 477820 reusable


  • pixel-maker
    14th Dec 2012
    can u do the id's if possible not all of them just the good ones thank u so much
  • jacob1
    13th Dec 2012
    ok. would you like just the id's? Or do you want me to just publish most of the? I see 11 pages. Sometimes I go back and republish popular saves of perm banned users. (but not all 11 pages... that would take forever)
  • pixel-maker
    13th Dec 2012
    i have a request my old acount was fasley banned and i was wondering if there was anyway i could see my old saves becasue i had alot of work on my guns and starting from scratch is very hard it took almost a year to do what i did thank if u could help my old acount name was maplecrest4000
  • jacob1
    13th Dec 2012
    that might be because of some changes github was having. I can't host downloads there anymore, but previous versions will still be there. I'll try the link now, but it should work fine. And i'm using mniip's server for everything now.
  • 0901290
    13th Dec 2012
    oh, i was trying to get version 20.1, and it wassaying file not found
  • jacob1
    11th Dec 2012
    which link? As long as you have version 20.1, then you have the correct latest version. If you have version 20.0, it will update to 20.1 for you.
  • 0901290
    11th Dec 2012
    ok, thanks lol im on a laptop... oh, your link for your mod isnt working, i accidentally delete it and the "new version" link is not availiable
  • jacob1
    10th Dec 2012
    the scroll wheel? You could also use '[' and ']' if you don't have one (in my mod only)
  • 0901290
    10th Dec 2012
    how do you scroll on the comments?
  • jacob1
    6th Dec 2012
    uh... it was deleted. I still saved it as a local save for some day. Now that one really does break ALL the rules that I have, not just MOST