Jacob I dont have a mouse wheel... what should I do?
maybe, I picked colors that were generally around the same color but not exactly. I think I picked them from the list of color buttons, so one is exactly red, one is exactly blue, etc. I didn't know you could sample elements either back then lol. If I ever really make reusable bombs 2, i'll do that.
Did anyone know that if, while in the deco toolbar, you click with the mouse wheel on an element, you can sample the color of that element?! I didn't! You might want to do that with the buttons in the middle of these, jacob1. It'll make them easier to remember!
Yo dude, are you like a moderator or something? Sweet save by the way I am new to this
lol, like the easter egg +1
ok, I checked what happened, and you have nothing to worry about. That happened back in May, and if xander was still around I would probably ban him. I deleted his comments and your response. Also your old account was banned for two days for a minor thing, but it isn't banned like you said.