Using the Game of Life rule S3456/B278/6 I've made a lightsabre. Not yet tested using Ambient heat. Don't copy or use without my permission It has 1 use and can't be turned off. If you attempt to use it twice, it might malfunction.
oke try to make one that looks like a lichtsaber and use life in it
jk, you're right. I was just expirementing with Life when I got the idea for this.
Sure, the hilt doesn't but the blade looks more like a real lightsabre would.
it dont look like a lichtsaber
Why the down votes? It's an orginal concept that makes good use of Life.
I'll start working on that right away!
haha nice maybe you could develope some sort of life missile or bomb that doesnt turn into a lifey mess when it hits something
dont forget to use your new Private first class insignea
Can anyone give me suggestions for a deactivation device?
Comment if you want me to do anything else. The Game of Life has no limits!