my life story: i was born on a day in some year and i couldent talk. when i grew older i said my first words halo. apparently my bro plays it all the time and kept saying it. and now im 12.
haha old save, i sounded wired
16 now
It's not how much you have in total, it's how much you get in a short period of time.
13 sick!
You got 12 now bro.
because they think im asking for votes by saying 11 ups and stuff. so powder toy im not asking for votes or secretly asking im just saying yay i got 11 ups awsome
i was looking at the front page votes on the powder toy website and im not sure why im not on it because theres one with 5 votes and i was reading the rules and i think powder toy isnt letting me on
11 ups
10 ups thankyou