Including all secret / hidden elements
Brambleshadow: you can't make it but it can be found by searching like everything else
Lol This cool
Use tool "Erases Walls". :D
tako1259: SPRK without a ctype turns into METL.
h4zardz1: Place some wood, then do "!set type wood ligh" in the console. | jiribekr: Either search for it (press "E"), or place an element and do "!set type (name) mort" in the console. | paracord-48: You can do things like that by changing LAVA's ctype. | paul10mj: Enter ~ in the window.
LIGH is uncontainable.
@DanielGalrito: yeah, that's pretty much how it works. For those of you who didn't understand him: 1) place some LAVA anywhere on the screen. 2) Either use the command !set ctype lava (material) or use the PROP tool to change the ctype of the lava into whatever you want it to turn into when it cools. 3) Cool the lava. For explosive results, set ctype to something explosive.
You're missing SPWN and S...
you can make molten warp this form: 1-create lava 2- go to console "C" and write "!set ctype lava warp" 3-close the console and watch the lava ( if you cool the lava appears warp) sorry for bad english im portuguese
there are things i never saw like mort love and lolz +1 and fav