3664 / 401
25th Aug 2010
17th May 2014
It's me, your president. Gonna be honest I'm most likely not going to do a second vault. If I do it will be a good while untill it gets completed because I have priorities. (you read this in President Edens voice) Ps. I deleted the pony sprite.
bunker fallout vault nuke realistic creative base deut bomb array


  • mr--slashlash
    11th Mar 2012
    Holy crap, Dude, This has not moved AT ALL...
  • mlj8026
    10th Mar 2012
    I tested it by restarting multiple times but the glass is still busted.
  • Mushroom
    3rd Mar 2012
    press b
  • an300
    3rd Mar 2012
    ik so i am a noob but can anybody tell me how to colour stuff?
  • thed
    2nd Mar 2012
    its prob. the game
  • mlj8026
    1st Mar 2012
    could you please fix the busted glas issue? The creation its self is great but this error seems to have caused parts of it not to work right ive tried to figure out if it was my game or the save and i have
  • mlj8026
    1st Mar 2012
    do you think you could possibly add to the surface areas a little more possibly an addition to the Enclave side
  • boris457
    1st Mar 2012
    l love this save it is a almost perfedt replica of vault 1 and l think that ppl that play fallout 3 to think the same.
  • mlj8026
    1st Mar 2012
    I think this deserves more respect than it gets
  • albmag
    29th Feb 2012
    whats welp lol