16th Jul 2011
6th Sep 2011
I'm sorry to say that I'm not taking anymore requests ever. I'm not around long enough to complete orders and I'm sick of making them. So please, DO NOT order any logos until I think I can re-open my logo shop - Thanks Twisty
Yoy Twisty,love your pages man, they`er really awsome!!!! :D
can i have a gold tuba with ny user in it i pay green vote
1 for me a stick(dmnd)whit blue hat sleeping on cloun and under cloud is small(not too small)bluesky and on y is also a blue sleeping hat pls
sorry, i just really love it =)
Hahah for the 3rd time :D Thanks :)
just want to tell u again how much i love my logo =)
@PremierGoal go to LCC Page
Can you make one
Look on the LCC logo page please. Finished Seth
Please make me a logo Twisty! One saying( ProPowder )and another saying ( xXsethXx ) Thankyou.