i don't think you can... the default program (more or less game) runs, but refuses to accept the fact that it needs to tell the display to turn on, and that you are spamming 1/0 to try and get it to work...
I mean, how do you use it?
actually, i remember an equal computer to this... Map5...
wow, long comment fest...
challenge accepted... ):|
ok, i think i see a wannabe programmer here... i have a pi too (custom case an' all), and you may be exaggerating just a tiiiiiny ammount on the performance of mark2222's computer, but he was only limited by the size of the build zone and the elements he had, it will be DECADES before tpt sees anything better. (although, a WORKING display would be nice...) this is my favourite save to date, I CHALLENGE YOU TO TOP THIS!