More racetracks to be added. Watch the invisible Powder Duo in persistent display.
Ok people stop showing your butts to this save. It's actually good and just because it's old doesn't mean it's bad. It's kind of half way up the front page for a reason. I vote up. PowderDuo, you're pretty good at making saves
Old but its good to see the old memories! Nice
fail you fail
this is old.... someone made this on a tv
Oops... sorry... what lol in my last comment... O.o It's not U, it's I
@Jehuti (using Pixelation as PowderDuo is temporarily banned O.o) U did not copy, I made this on my own. O.o
Hehe... "no-copy" ... funny since YOU copied it.
Is this really this far in front page!?
it looks nice with persistant view!
yes it is