A group of men are stuck between two mountains of hard quartz. They send signals for rescue and build a new civilizaton. This was made for looking at, but will look better nuked :) This took a long time to make so do something special and make it count!
I'm making a sequel guys!
DERP HERP DERP I'm a idiot, sorry about the stupid comment.
I like how your NO-COPY sign uses two icons copyed from the front page without credit.
u should make this into a story:P
This isn't on the ingame front page though, so I don't think it counts as front page.
But as rowanphilip said in school... that would spread hatred... well... you are right, but atleast we can get our votes lol.
(PowderDuo here in my alt account) You can't complain about this being original, so why are so many people voting down? TPT seriously needs a way to find out who votes...
lava &lightning bomb!!!!!
V.2 Update: -=[Mo]=- Vine island moved, No copy added, Homepage sign added, minor glitch fixes, wiring for heli and battery hidden, miscellanious minor fixes.