can u make me a frog,possibly tropical pls
Ok.. but can you please ask on the main page. it just makes it easer for me to keep track of requests :).. yes you can have some knifes :)
And, can I use some of those knives :D
can i get a logo i preffer STEEDEN'S style... :P but can i get it in green?
22 no.. I MADE IT lucky helped with firing mech... get your facts right before you make allegations
Please make a logo for me. I don't care what you make but make something exceptional. you're pretty good and I voted up
Can I have one with a dustblade from dark eldar ( if you don't know what it is make a black sword please;-) )
the nerf gun is from lckys home page
can i please have a logo ice themed please
can you make me a logo with a black ops guy shooting two guys with my name in blood above it