Oreo_McFlurry: I do, but it's personal. maybe I'll make one some day
ScienceCompany: im still in your walls
LightningBMW: Notice how I dont care about your opinion about me? And yes, even with your logic, tpt is still not made for art, but to simulate particles. GOODBYE SCUM.
idk what to comment so im just going to type random stuff idyufog32yqgdp8q3gtfo8dq3y8dfqy3wgdo8yq3gedf8oyqgoefud3gydo8ygweidyugqwiuefgwueydf
do you have a youtube channel? because these drawings would make good animations!
furthermore, you need to learn where your opinion starts and ends. your opinion is what you think. notice that you downvoting is not actually your opinion, but your action, which we can absolutely judge you for. considering that your action is to limit the freedom of expression of an artist - yeah, i do think you're scum.
TPT isnt "not for art" it just wasnt originally made with that intention. it is a particle simulation game, it simulates particles. whether those particles make up a peice of art is irrelevant.
Yes, Venus_5613, I did, because this game is not for art despite the deco feature.