You guys saying so and so is already in TPT, this is an old save and didn't have the things that were suggested.
And plant acts like hearts.
Yup virus is already in tpt on liquids page.
already virus and drag is unnegative grav thing
the hearts and bone seems kinda pointless because firstoff, plnt already gives stkm health and what the heck would you use a bone for? everything else is good though
I like the fungus, infection, animals, whatever the stuff on the stickman is, and drag ideas, virus was already added in the version I am playing and that's the only reason I didn't say I like it.
tieinterceptor: Same with gold.
Guys this save was made a lng time ago, and at that time there where no VIRS.
I am a fan of the infection, ant, and fungus ideas.
plus, to agree with voyager15, virus is a newer element from two updates ago