out of everything only the virus got added
download fan elements mod to have fungus
hearts will not exist, just move the stickman through plnt when the stickman is damaged (works for both stickmen)
Yes, i also realy want the drag tool
noice, they already added VIRS
Disables Inf SPRK (If it hits where SPRK already was, it would kill SPRK) and we could and Helium, Xeon, Americium, Boron(Absorbs NEUT) ,Lead(Kills Yeast Reflect/Absorbs NEUT 50/50), Radium(Radioactive), Calcium(Heals YEST), Sulfer, Phopurous,(Both Explosive in High Pressure Burns in normal Pressure), Chlorine(Kills YEST),Copper(Turns Green Over Time) Should also let Radioactive element Decay (60/40), No-Decay/Decays
*pgrv (Comment too short)