27 / 4
10th January
17th January
A link to documentation can be found in the comments or the red SIGN. If any fixes for the dumb workarounds i had to do to get this working comes out, or if i add any new functions, i will update the version number and write new documentation.
computer filt eletronics


  • tptQuantification
    10th January
    there's a cheap fix I used for mismatched timing with the conditional jump. i preload data before the conditional jump with a nop
  • tptQuantification
    10th January
    oop i already said that.
  • tptQuantification
    10th January
    next version should have some fixes and specific input output registers.
  • tptQuantification
    10th January
    (oh and operations for reading from input or writing to output.)
  • tptQuantification
    10th January
    later versions shall have an input register and output register, and hopefully be more compact.
  • tptQuantification
    10th January
    the program calculates fibbonaccis sequence to the nth term and outputs the nth term into rom adress 0xFFF, also displaying in display A and B at the end of the loop. n for the nth term is stored in adress 0xA00, with a big red line pointing to it. the number in that adress can be from 0x20000001 to 0x2000002B, aka n can be from 1 to 43. it can calculate to the 43rd term of fibbonaccis sequence, but then it overflows.