27 / 4
10th January
17th January
A link to documentation can be found in the comments or the red SIGN. If any fixes for the dumb workarounds i had to do to get this working comes out, or if i add any new functions, i will update the version number and write new documentation.
computer filt eletronics


  • tptQuantification
    23rd January
    I wanna make a miniature version of this (probably with a lot less power but i still wanna.)
  • tptQuantification
    17th January
    @Tessarion the program currently just moves the results to adress 0xfff in ram once its calculated the result. that is the top left pixel of the upper big block of filt. doing that also has the effect of displaying the results in the A and B hex number displays once it has finished, but there is not a specific input or output in this version. *next version will have that functionality*
  • hihihihihii
    16th January
    wish i had the time to learn filt tech
  • tessarion
    16th January
    Where's the output (if any)?
  • tptQuantification
    15th January
    unfortunately, atm if i managed to fit doom on here it could only be displayed in the form of numbers, and even then im not sure if even the smallest lightest weight version of doom could fit into the storage. theres only like capacity for like 29 kibibits of data. doom is generally atleast like, 500x larger than that. atleast original doom. Although if there was a specific output register im sure you could make a doom like anyway.
  • EJ22
    14th January
    @MenToes Ah, yes, the age old test for every computer
  • MenToes
    13th January
    But can it run Doom?
  • tptQuantification
    13th January
    how on earth do i fit that all into this save???????
  • tptQuantification
    13th January
    @electroBOOM_ ID:3197551
  • electroBOOM_
    12th January
    unreadable text