Its a working bouncy ball! Change -0.95 to a lower number to reduce bouncyness. Certain angles and velocitys make the FILT delete itself when hitting a slope, not sure why. Try changing any of the numbers and see what happens!
DrBreadSticks: sucks to be you ig
subframe goes wheeeeeeeeee +1
MeltedLawnFlamingo: There is a Element creator mod on the script browser. You can enter the properties and export it as a mod
LOL Im willing to do some work to make stuff do what it needs, but my goodness! My guy got us typing complex stuff in the console! We're the customer! We dont wanna work we just wanna see cool stuff!
we need ant next
SBALL is finally in tpt
Aeiouman: I have no clue how to do that.
Maybe make this a seperate element and upload the mod onto the script manager so we don't have to type all of the commands?
I am NOT typing all of that