11th Dec 2024
17th Dec 2024
Working off some earlier work i once did. Utilizing ideas i developed many years ago and now since refined. Enjoy!
there now it looks really 3d
Persistent display looks like hyperspeed
If you follow the stars with your eyes it makes a cool illusion
alright. i made an update with accel and decel. had to be careful about it because portals are prone to cramming and photons blowing back so here it is.
just put a few pixels of ACEL
i would love a compact way to increase photon speeds randomly for different stars. as it stands now i am barely able to get a rng photon color as it is. but i could investigate means to do so, i will also consider creating a template save for easier creations of this nature the portal work was slow and tedious
actually, you can try use the grvt to make the enterprise?)
you can do loop mode if you set phot life really high
i recommend doing this with photons of different speeds so the effect works better
consider gravity lenses effect in warp nacelle ex. using WHOL. Except this, good idea +1