if u wanna get onto hall of fame. destroy the bunker. azures wont be allowed. high ammounts of dmg wont be allowed. pstn drills. destroying dray/cray, tractor beams. max ammount of life on deut: 1000
bunker destroyed using a neutronium bomb
you can also shred the bunker with a bunch of fan elements mod bullets set to sing
and small amount of wind
shredded bunker with Fan Elements Mod (Specifically exactly 250 bullets)
glad to have participated, it was really interesting to see how me messing around with exot and elec created fission
bro i broke the bunker without using banned elements
OK no more hall of fame (got too crazy)
sing + air destroyed it
dest easily destroys the bunker, i think you need to make it stronger
here is id: 3179163